Friday, July 23, 2010

Stress Test for Irish Banks

The two main Irish banks are today expcted to pass a major European stress test of banks ability to cope with potential losses. People also under go stress - due to personal loss, financial loss, or major upheaval and change. Stress in the right amounts is good - it motivates us to escape from wild animals, study and pass those exams, defend ourselves, compete at sports. However, our bodies can also respond with stress at times when it is not approptiate to do so, if our "stress buttons" are activated too easily, the secondary consequences of stress can be physically damaging. The bodies stress response is an emergency life saving response, and all the resources of your body are diverted to that emergency response. This means that things of secondary importance like digestion and immune system are suspended while you are running from the hungry tiger or defending yourself, so energy and oxygen can be diverted to the large muscles used for running or fighting. After a period where the body had been profligate with the bodies resources, there should be a rest time when the body can get all its systems back into harmony and balance. If someone is stressed all the time, this healing restful period does not happen, and the consequences can be damaging. Coming back to the banks, this is a quiet restful period for the banks, where they are recuperating from the damage done during the manic phase of financial madness. Recovery time can be also difficult!

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