How many times have you tried dieting, exercising, depriving yourself - only to say to hell with this and soon found yourself back where you started? No doubt, you have realised by now that weight control is quite a complex area! There are a lot of psychological aspects to weight control, for example people eat for comfort. Weight may not be optimal for what are sometimes very surprising subconscious reasons. Your subconscious is the key to controlling your weight, after all it controls all your automatic body functions including telling you when you've had enough to eat, and when and where to store body fat. The subconscious reacts to help you to survive, so for example if you deprive yourself, your subconscious may go into "famine mode", store food eaten as fat, and constantly prod at your urge for gratification until you give in. And once you do that, you might as well say, to hell with this, I'm going to enjoy myself! To achieve and permanently stay at your ideal weight, you need to get your subconscious co-operation. Once you do that, what was difficult before becomes very easy. Once your conscious mind and your subconscious mind are working towards the same goal, there are no internal mental battles (which your subconscious wins the vast majority of the time). How do you get your subconscious co-operation? Hypnosis allows you to get into a relaxed state where communication with your subconscious is possible. Once your subconscious has negotiated a goal that you are happy with, and once your subconscious accepts that goal, results will seem to happen automatically. Of course there will be changes in lifestyle, but they will be natural changes that you will be happy with. (For example, of you spend 20 minutes eating - savouring and enjoying each tempting delicious mouthful of your food instead of bolting it down, you will find that your stomach will automatically send you signals that it is full. People spend a fortune on appetite supressant tablets - 20 minutes of chewing and enjoying your food can have the same effect.) Sometimes the reasons for abnormal weight can be more psychologically deep rooted, in which case hypno analysis would be the best way to get to the root of the problem.
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