Thursday, July 1, 2010


The Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly today criticised the HSE for holding back information. The thing is, we all hold back information. Sometimes people bury something that they did or that happened to them at a time in their past. That memory can lurk there under the radar of consciousness, and may be too painful or traumatic to bring to the surface. That memory may bring memories of pain, trauma, guilt, fear etc. Those are emotions that can live in the mind like a sore that does not heal, and can manifest themselves in all sort of unpleasant ways including anxiety, depression, panic attacks, guilt, phobias, stress, physical bodily manifestations - the list is endless. Sometimes examining that memory, replaying it in hypnosis, while being dissociated from the memory can relieve the emotional charge that memory used to have. There are lots of gentle and interesting techniques that can be used while in hypnosis to change the power that memories and secrets have over you. In a safe, confidential and non-judgmental setting, you can fell free to find, relearn, and release the emotional charge of some memories. In therapy, people bring up things they thought was absolutely dreadful, but loses its power when looked at in a different light, when turned and examined a different way, when its re-tuned to harmonise with current wisdom and experience.

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