Monday, July 19, 2010

Home Defence & Trauma

The Government is to publish a bill on home defence today. This will allow people to to use 'reasonable force' against intruders to defend themselves, others or their property. This is an emotive issue to say the least! It is a hugely traumatic event for people if their territory is invaded, and even the thought of the threat from an invader to us or our loved ones can evoke a very primitive response. Defence of our homes and territory is built into us, as can be observed in nature. Even a usually timid creature will become a fury of teeth and claws against any invader of its home, even if it does not stand a chance. An example of where there is flight instead of fight is when sheep are attacked by a dog. Panic sets into the sheep, and some of them die from the stress. As for people, if their house is burgled while they are absent, there is that sense of violation, and fear of the perpetrator invading their house while they are there. The trauma is immeasurably worse when there is confrontation. There is the actual stress of the confrontation. How does it turn out? Retreat by one party? Injury or death of one party? Regardless, the consequences can be devastating, whether the ongoing emotive consequences are fear or guilt or both. Feeling safe and secure in your own home is a blessing. Will the home defence bill help people to feel more secure at home?

Go to for more details, or ring Daniel Madden on to arrange your free consultation.


Download an explanatory brochure HERE.

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