Saturday, April 16, 2016

Clearing Emotional Baggage Using Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Clearing Emotional Baggage Using Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
By Daniel Madden ADHP MICHP BE.

In this article, I’ll touch on how emotional baggage of anger, fear, hurt, sadness and guilt can affect our lives. You’ll see, sound out and get a sense of how and whether clearing emotional baggage from the past could assist you in creating the future you want. This article is an overview.  In the weeks ahead, I’ll go into more detail on each negative emotion listed. In the meantime, see the following links:

Clearing Emotional Baggage
Clearing Anger
Resolving Anxiety
Clearing Fear
Clearing Guilt
Clearing Hurt and Sadness

Emotional baggage. It’s a vivid image of a person literally being weighted down with things that happened in the past. At a subconscious level, it consists of images from the past, sounds from the past, remembered physical sensations and storms of emotion from the past. There is also the internal analysis or reflection of those events that happened, thoughts and thinking that cause us to relive the stuff from the past. That internal narrative creates a story of what happened. From those reflections, we can develop limiting beliefs and attitudes that prevent us from having the future we want for ourselves. The story we create is mostly fiction. It is our representation of what happened in reality. If you don’t believe that, somehow get hold of different witness statements of the same event, and you’ll be astonished at what correlates, and what doesn’t. If you’ve ever entered into a verbal contract with someone, you might have discovered that disagreements tend to cause both parties to have completely different versions of the verbal contract they agreed to! The negative emotions we felt in those past events can be triggered by sights, sounds, words, voice tones, sensations and smells and tastes. We can get a resurgence of emotion. We can have a re-experience of a sensory experience, for example an image of the memory, a sound from the memory or a physical re-experience. In extreme cases, we get an ab-reaction, which is a full reliving of the negative experience.
If we keep on reliving the events from the past, they’ll continue to affect our present, and our present has a major impact on how our future comes about.

How does emotional baggage affect the now and the future? Let me give an example. This is a fictitious event that I’ve made up.

Mary, and her husband Joe live in the same house. It’s Joe’s turn to prepare dinner. He’d been hungry after work, and had grabbed himself a snack before going home. On arriving home, he’d got engrossed in working on the laptop, and time slipped by. Mary has just arrived in from work, hungry and grumpy.
None of us are at our best when we’re hungry, and nutrition levels in the blood are low. We tend to get cranky more easily, and anxious more easily. Small stresses become bigger ones.

Being free of emotional baggage, the conversation would go something like this:

Mary: Joe, where’s the dinner? It’s your turn today. I’m starving.

Joe: (Sarcastically, after being interrupted from deep thought) Oh, hi Mary, it’s lovely to see you too.

Mary: You’re always home an hour earlier than me on Tuesdays. You’ve had plenty of time to get it ready.

Joe: Yeah OK, I was deep in thought there. Give me five minutes, I’ll boil the kettle, give you some instant soup to keep you going. It’ll take too long to prepare spuds, I’ll stick down some noodles, heat some frozen veg, and there’s enough mince in the fridge from yesterday.

Mary: (Smiles) I’ll forgive you this time.

Here’s how the conversation could go with emotional baggage in the mix:

Mary: Joe, where’s the dinner? It’s your turn today. I’m starving.

Joe: (Sarcastically, after being interrupted from deep thought) Oh, hi Mary, it’s lovely to see you too.

Mary: You’re always home an hour earlier than me on Tuesdays. You’ve had plenty of time to get it ready. (Images of a previous relationship with Mike come into her mind. Mike would promise the earth, and rarely deliver. Broken promises used to make Mary really angry, and all those past storms of anger with Mike flash through her mind at an unconscious level, and she feels furious, totally inappropriately so). She says bitterly: Why don’t you ever live up to your promises?

Joe: (Images of his Mother come into his mind.) Joes’ mother had a terrible temper, and she’d always accuse Joe unfairly, and criticise him. As a teenager, Joe would get into shouting fights with his Mother, and she could press his buttons easily, and drive him into frenzies of rage. Mary’s unfair accusation and bitter tone of voice hits’ him right in the “anger” spot, and all that anger and hurt flare right to the surface. He shouts: Why don’t you ever give me a break? I can’t believe I married an angry bitch like my Mother.

Mary: (Crying with hurt and anger.) Anger? You want to see anger? She walks over, picks up his laptop, and smashes it to the floor.

We’ll leave this domestic scene there. The example above demonstrated the wonderful world of the emotional baggage of anger and hurt and sadness. What usually happens is that we swallow our resentments, leaving stuff unsaid. By doing this, we add a little more weight to the little black bags of emotional baggage. Then they build up, and something triggers us, the big black bags of emotional baggage open up, out flood the emotions, and the emotions carry us along a storm, a roller coaster ride of uncontrolled emotions and destructive actions.

Of course stuff happens in life. Of course it’s sometimes appropriate to get angry, and feel afraid, and feel hurt and sadness and guilt. Negative emotions have a positive purpose. But there are times when it’s inappropriate to feel negative emotions.

If a person gets angry too easily, they’ll say and do destructive things. Clearing out the negative emotional baggage of anger from the past lowers the “anger threshold”, so it takes a lot more to make a person angry. Believe me, lowering a “hair trigger” anger threshold dramatically improves the quality of life. If anger was the only way to get results, it’s useful and much more pleasant for everyone else when new skills are learnt. Of course, it’s still possible to be powerfully assertive without being angry. Being powerfully assertive without being angry means that you’d have the forcefulness of the incredible hulk without his reckless, destructive and aggressive stupidity.

If a person gets hurt and sad too easily, they’ll withdraw from situations and events to avoid getting hurt, and getting sad and crying. Clearing out hurt and sadness from the past, means that the person has a “tougher skin”. If people banter with you, it won’t be interpreted in a way that hurts. You’ll be able to enjoy the cut and thrust of banter. People won’t have to be on tip toes with what they say around you because you’re a “tearful” person. The feeling of sadness is a depressant, so by being free of it, you’ll have more energy.

If a person gets afraid and anxious too easily, it really impacts on the quality of life. They won’t try to do things, and if they never try, they’ll never succeed. If fear and anxiety are unchecked, they can lead to phobias and other emotionally crippling disorders. It’s good to have caution, but it’s also important to take sensible risks. It wouldn’t be a good idea to attempt to fly a plane without learning it first. Overconfident fearlessness can be dangerous! However, after learning to fly a plane, and passing all the tests necessary, there would still be an element of risk to fly it, but it would be a sensible risk. For example, there is a certain risk involved in driving a car, but by learning to drive competently, that risk is vastly reduced. Clearing out fear and anxiety from the past allows much more accurate evaluation of the current situation.

Guilt can lead to all sorts of subconscious self-punishing behaviours. It doesn’t stop us from doing things. How often did you know you’d feel guilty about doing something, and did it anyway? The best way to deal with guilt is to resolve conflicting values about how life should be lived. If you don’t go against your values, you won’t feel guilt in the future, and the secret to resolving past guilt is to preserve the positive learnings from those past experiences. An example would be a conflict between the values of “free time” and “generating income”. If a person isn’t making enough money to support their family, they’ll feel guilty. If they aren’t spending enough time with their family, they’ll feel guilty. By getting the balance between “Spending time with family”, and “generating income to support family”, that source of guilt is eliminated.

All that sounds wonderful, but I hope you’re feeling skeptical. How can a lifetime of crap that happens get cleared quickly? The answer to that is that thousands of people have cleared their negative emotional baggage using timeline clearing techniques. Timeline clearing uses a combination of hypnosis and NLP. It uses the power and speed of your subconscious mind to clear years of stuff in minutes.

It’s been said that our subconscious mind processes millions of bits of information from our nervous system every second. That’s everything that you see directly, and everything in your peripheral vision. Every sound in your environment. Every sensation from every part of your body inside and out. Every sensation of smell and taste. And all the feedback from your body in relation to all those automatic functions like blood flow, breathing, heartbeat, nutrition, foreign body invasion, movement and balance and so on. Your subconscious stores all your knowledge, everything that lets you know you are you. In contrast, we can consciously handle between five and nine units of information at a time. That’s the capability of millions of bits of information of your subconscious, as opposed to a maximum of nine units of information of your conscious mind. If you think about it, you have a vast storehouse of knowledge of words in your subconscious mind. When someone says something to you, or you read something, your subconscious sorts through the millions of possible meanings, and instantaneously provides you with the correct interpretation and meaning. Imagine how long it would take to consciously sort through thousands of words, contexts, and possible meanings!

With emotional baggage clearing, we use that same capability of your subconscious mind to clear out years of stuff in a short period of time. Attempting to clear out that stuff consciously would take years. Since your subconscious mind processes information millions of times faster, divide years by millions to estimate the amount of time it takes to clear stuff from the past. Of course, it all needs to be setup carefully to prepare your mind for the task. Your subconscious has to be made aware of the benefits of letting all that stuff go, and sometimes the negative consequences of not letting it go. It’s like setting up dominoes. When you’re ready to let it go, it’s almost as quick as a flick of the thumb and a little more assistance. When you start laughing at the stuff that used to distress you, it’s a good sign!

If you think emotional baggage clearing could be useful for you, simply call me, Daniel Madden, at 085-1318344, or email me at Perhaps you know somebody who could benefit from reacting to stressful situations with emotional balance, physical calm and mental problem solving behaviour. Share this article! If someone has shared this article with you, and that fact hurts or makes you angry, I can help with that!

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Daniel Madden on 085 1318344 to arrange your consultation.
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