According to some Indian traditions, the best way to achieve bliss is to become one with the universe. Bliss is a state that does not have an opposite. For example, love has an opposite emotion - not hate, but fear. Hate can be described as a desperate cry for love, fear can lead to pushing others away, love brings others closer. As more and more things happen us during life, our psyche starts to split in different ways, not like split personalities, but rather different aspects of our psyche. For example, have you ever found yourself having an internal conversation similar to the following: "Ah, go on, have that bar of chocolate, indulge yourself". And another internal voice "No chocolate - its fattening". There may even be an internal debate, usually ending in the chocolate being eaten, and probably a mixture of satisfaction and slight guilt. When parts split from our psyche, they are usually the basis for internal conflict, which uses up energy which could be used more productively. It's like using up energy in an internal tug of war, instead of using both teams to pull the rope together and move somewhere. There are different ways of working with parts to achieve harmony. One way is to negotiate with the parts, find out their purpose, and find common ground, and then find more productive ways for the parts to achieve their positive purpose. For example, there may be a part that wants to eat food all the time, when the purpose is investigated, it might be for comfort, and then ways can be found for the part to achieve the purpose of comfort in a healthier way. Another way to work with parts is called parts integration. This assumes that when a part separated from the complete whole, it's opposite also separated. When those opposite parts realise that they actually have the same highest intention, they automatically reintegrate with the complete whole, and if those parts have been responsible for destructive behaviour for a long time, the parts integration can be very profound.
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